Choose Love This Season with Ceremonial Matcha
February 08, 2023
February is conventionally known as a month to celebrate love because of Valentines’ Day. However, there’s often a one-dimensional side to love in the media; implying it’s something that’s reserved for only romantically involved couples.
Although it’s wonderful to have another day where couples can rejoice and have an excuse to spend quality time together, there’s also generous room for self love and compassion to take place.
If self love is a foundation, extending love and compassion to others is the next step. Of course, it’s easier to do such when one is genuinely at peace with themselves.
Here are a few ways we can embody love this season.
Take Care of Our Physical and Mental Health

The new year can bring on a ton of exciting opportunities. This also means sometimes our schedules can get absolutely swamped. February is a good time to assess how the new year is going so far. Ask yourself these questions:
- Are you taking actionable steps towards achieving your goals?
- Are you in the beginning phases of your habit formation journey?
- Are you making self care a priority?
- Are you spending enough time with loved ones or the people who make you happy?
The first thing to go when we get busy is often our physical and mental health. Then, relationships. So make sure you set realistic goals for yourself when it comes to integrating things like exercise and self care rituals into your schedule.
It can be challenging starting a healthy habit when we’ve been hardwired to do things a certain way for such a long time. That’s why it’s important to start small and build up from there so you don’t get fatigued early on trying to build a big habit.
For example, if your goal is to wake up earlier so you can fit in a walk or go the gym before work, start by setting back your alarm clock in 30 minute increments until you can comfortably wake up at that time. And don’t be afraid to tempt yourself with a delicious, hot cup of matcha to get out of bed.
Enjoying matcha in the morning is an energizing way to get your day started. Our Ceremonial matcha is alkalizing on the gut, almost zero-calorie, and packed with L-theanine and catechins to give us a nutrient rich energy boost. Most importantly, it’s 100% natural, and contains only one ingredient—Matcha!
Learn to Set Healthy Boundaries
If you’re an overachiever or have people pleasing tendencies, often the word “no” is the most difficult. However, constantly saying yes to opportunities that don’t fuel us energetically can become detrimental.
It’s okay to take a day or two to think about something. You don’t always have to give an answer immediately. It’s also acceptable to reschedule or reconsider an obligation if you feel like it no longer aligns with your priorities.
We can only balance so much on our plate before something gives, and that is usually ourselves (burnout) or the quality of the work that’s put in.
Learn how to set boundaries now, so you won’t regret it when it’s too late.
When our cup is fuller, we’re able to give more love to the people and obligations that truly matter the most to us.
Adopt an Abundance Mindset: Give When you Can
The act of genuine giving—one that is made without expecting anything in return can become a very fulfilling practice. Giving doesn’t have to involve monetary sacrifices but can include acts of service or simply kind encouragement to someone in your life who may need it.
In fact, sometimes making time for others or giving people genuine and helpful advice can be the greatest gift.
Research coming from several universities has shown that giving has a positive correlation with happiness, may be good for our health, and promotes trust and cooperation. Not only so, but it’s also contagious.
That being said if you’re thinking of giving a spontaneous and thoughtful gift this season—make sure you look for our ceremonial grade matcha. This is perfect for the matcha connoisseur in your life, or simply those that are looking for a healthier alternative to coffee. It’s also one of our best-sellers.
Introduce Wellness Through Example
It can be frustrating when we want someone in our life to be in better health or practice better habits. However, these people are unlikely to respond to nagging or criticism. In fact, this can exacerbate their negative habits.
Instead, take the lead by example approach. Share the types of recipes or supplements you’ve been taking that have worked wonders. Gently invite them to a free workout class (many studios do regular buddy discounts) or choose a healthier restaurant when you choose to engage. Get them a nice gift, like a matcha set, and introduce this wellness ritual that they may never want to go off.
There are many creative ways we can demonstrate our love for others by leading with example and generosity.
Remember, it’s taken you a while to get onto this wellness path, so you’re giving free knowledge and investing time with this person to help them achieve their best self.
There are multifaceted ways to practice love and to spread love this season, and for the rest of the year. It always starts with intent.
Reflect on the ways you can make decisions that further your own health and emotional wellness this season. Think of opportunities where you can give, and areas where you might consider giving less energy to.
All in all, love is everywhere—you just need to look.