August 12, 2024
Green tea is a global phenomenon. From casual tea drinkers to health enthusiasts, green tea has found a place in many hearts and homes. Its rich history, spanning centuries and cultures, speaks volumes about its significance. But among the countless...
March 15, 2024
In light of World Sleep Day, we’d like to address something so crucial for women…and that is getting proper rest! Not getting quality sleep could lead to symptoms like irritability, anxiety, imbalanced blood sugar levels, lack of concentration, and demotivation....
February 22, 2024
From office coffee rooms to that extra-friendly neighbor who brings around delectable lemon tarts, sweet temptations are readily available all the time. This can make it difficult to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, especially for those with a sweet...
November 22, 2023
Green tea has been consumed for centuries in Asia and is well cited in Western literature for its multi-faceted health benefits, from free radical fighting properties to weight management. Recently, a Japanese Canadian, Shige Mineshiba passed away at 113 years...
September 13, 2023
The term Zen is the Japanese variation of the Sanskrit word dhyāna (“meditation”). Zen is used to describe self-discipline and meditation practice, which is why it’s often associated with monks. Today, the general sentiment of “Zen” corresponds to the gentle...
September 06, 2023
Matcha has quickly become a cult favourite on the East Coast. Toronto, being a busy hub for students, workers, and tourists has also begun to make its mark as a noteworthy matcha hub. Drawing influence from New York City, home...