DōMatcha® Blog

Blog & Recipes

September 13, 2023

A Sip of Serenity: What is L-theanine in Matcha?

The term Zen is the Japanese variation of the Sanskrit word dhyāna (“meditation”). Zen is used to describe self-discipline and meditation practice, which is why it’s often associated with monks. Today, the general sentiment of “Zen” corresponds to the gentle...


August 30, 2023

Can Matcha Green Tea Boost Productivity?

The modern world is full of distractions and energy drainers, and more people are looking for supplements that can boost their productivity and concentration without overstimulating their central nervous system. Coffee was traditionally the holy grail for most North Americans...


August 16, 2023

How to Use Ceremonial Organic Matcha for Performance

Whether you’re a professional athlete or practice sports as a hobby, one thing becomes a priority. Your ability to hit a personal record or win a race depends on your performance. Many athletes rely on consistent training, a good coach, sleep, and nutrition...


March 22, 2023

The Best Caffeine Alternatives to Coffee in 2023

Many of us rely on that second cup of coffee to power us through that mid morning or afternoon slump, not realizing the long-term consequences excess caffeine consumption can cause. Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it causes our bodies to...


March 07, 2023

Matcha Tea Benefits for Women: 5 Proven Matcha Benefits

As women, we face a lot of mental and physical impediments that often aren’t discussed aloud. Women are often more sensitive to hormonal changes throughout the month and are more prone to experience physical conditions like fatigue (anemia), thyroid dysfunction,...